Advisory Opinion 033

REQUESTED BY: The Honorable Rex Haberman, State Senator, State Capitol Lincoln, Nebraska 68509

QUESTION: May the candidate committee of a State Senator which has unexpended funds receive additional funds and make expenditures for travel and other related expenses when the Senator visits the communities of his district during a period in which there is no election?




The question presented in Request for Advisory Opinion No. 79-7 is as follows:

Advisory Opinion 032

REQUESTED BY: William B. Brandt, General Counsel, Nebraska Bankers Association

QUESTION: Must a trade association, which is a principal for a lobbyist, with a variable rate dues assessment and a budget for lobbying expenditures of approximately 5% report the name and address of each member from whom it has received more than $100 in any one month for lobbying purposes on the basis of approximately 5% of the total dues assessment paid by that member exceeding $100?


Advisory Opinion 031

REQUESTED BY: The Honorable Steve Fowler, State Senator

QUESTION: If a senator, using his or her personal funds, retains an attorney for a legal opinion which is distributed on the floor of the legislature to influence passage of legislation, does that attorney have to register as a lobbyist on behalf of that senator?




Advisory Opinion 028

REQUESTED BY: Dennis J. Mullin, Attorney, Department of Agriculture

QUESTION: Whether Assistant Directors of the Department of Agriculture must file Statements of Financial Interests when they have terminated employment?




Advisory Opinion 027

REQUESTED BY: The Honorable Frank Lewis, Senator, 45th District

QUESTION: Are contributions by corporations, labor organizations, or industry, trade or professional associations to the Midwestern Conference of the Council of State Governments subject to being reported as contributions by a corporation pursuant to Section 49-1469 of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act or as lobbying expenditures pursuant to the provisions of Section 49-1483?




Advisory Opinion 026

REQUESTED BY: Ed Schulenber, Chief, Division of Social Services, Department of Public Welfare

QUESTION: May a judge of a Separate Juvenile Court enter into a contract with the Department of Public Welfare to be paid a per diem to serve on an advisory committee and be a consultant in connection with rules and regulations pertaining to the licensing of child care institution to be adopted by the Department of Public Welfare?




Advisory Opinion 025

REQUESTED BY: Gary Gustafson, Executive Secretary, Nebraska Power Review Board.

QUESTION: May a person who is a member of the Nebraska Power Review Board continue to serve in such capacity since being employed by the University of Nebraska as its General Counsel?




The Nebraska Power Review Board is a statutory agency created by the Legislature to regulate certain aspects of public power in Nebraska.

Advisory Opinion 024

REQUESTED BY: David L. Piester, Director, Legal Services of Southeast Nebraska

QUESTION: Is a lawyer, employed by a legal aid organization, when engaging in lobbying activities other than appearing before a legislative committee and setting forth for whom he appears, required to register as a lobbyist for each legal aid "client" served in a lobbying capacity . . . and accordingly file monthly reports for both himself and each such "client"?