Advisory Opinion 013

REQUESTED BY: William W. Lyons, Attorney for McCook Public Power District

QUESTION: Is the manager of a public or rural power district required to file a Statement of Financial Interests pursuant to the provisions of section 49-1493(6),R.S. Supp., 1976?



ANALYSIS: Section 49-1493 provides that a member of the board of directors or an officer of a district organized under the provisions of Chapter 70 is required to file Statements of Financial Interests.

Advisory Opinion 012

REQUESTED BY: Kerry L. Kester, Treasurer, DeCamp for Public Office Committee

QUESTION : Reference is made to your letter dated March 30, 1978 requesting an advisory opinion as to whether Candidate A, in order to gain exposure and further his campaign, is permitted to use his own candidate committee funds for the purpose of buying tickets to a fundraiser and dinners which are sponsored by the candidate committee for Candidate B.

Advisory Opinion 011

REQUESTED BY: Cyril P. Shaughnessy, Attorney for the Loup Basin Reclamation District, the Twin Loups Reclamation District, and the Cedar Valley Reclamation District.

QUESTION: Are the directors of the foregoing reclamation districts required to file Statements of Financial Interests pursuant to the provisions of section 49-1493, R.S.Supp., 1976?



Advisory Opinion 010

REQUESTED Greg Edken, Kutak, Rock & Huie


1: How and on what form are out-of-state contributions from individuals in excess of $100 to a campaign committee registered in Nebraska to be reported in order to comply with the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act? Specifically, is an individual who makes an out-of-state contribution required to submit a form or can that required information be supplied by campaign committee registered in Nebraska?

Advisory Opinion 009

REQUESTED BY: Paul Kosch, President, First National Bank, David City, Nebraska


1. Whether members of a board of trustees for a county hospital are required to file Statements of Financial Interests?

2. Whether there is a potential conflict of interest to be disclosed and other action to be taken in the case of a county hospital's funds being deposited in a bank in which that hospital board member is an officer and director?

3. Whether the insurance division or affiliate of the bank is denied the right to bid on insurance for the hospital?

Advisory Opinion 008

REQUESTED BY: Robert H. Conner, Saline County Attorney

QUESTION: Must a county commissioner, engaged in a business that has transactions with other firms, which may have contracts with the county, disclose those firms with which he does business in his Statement of Financial Interests or in Statements of Potential Conflict of Interests?


1. Such other firms need not be disclosed in the Statement of Financial Interests of the county commissioner.

2. Potential conflicts of interest may have to be disclosed under certain circumstances.

Advisory Opinion 007

REQUESTED BY: Richard T. Smith

QUESTION: As legal advisor to the City of Beatrice, the City of Beatrice Planning and Zoning Commission, the City of Beatrice Board of Adjustment, the Beatrice Airport Authority, the Beatrice Board of Public Works, and the mayor and city council of the

City of Beatrice, you have asked whether the officeholders and employees of these entities are required to file Statements of Financial Interests pursuant to the provisions of section 49-1493, R.S.Supp., 1976.


Advisory Opinion 005

REQUESTED BY: Dennis J. Mullin, Attorney

QUESTION: Are the members of the Nebraska Poultry and Egg Development, Utilization and Marketing Committee required to file Statements of Financial Interests by reason of the provisions of subdivisions (7) and (10) of section 49-1493 of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act?




Advisory Opinion 004

REQUESTED: William W. Lyons

QUESTION: Are the directors of the Frenchman-Cambridge Irrigation District required to file Statements of Financial Interests pursuant to the provisions of Section 49-1493, R.S.Supp., 1976?