Advisory Opinion 109
REQUESTED BY: John H. Albin of DeCamp Legal Services on behalf of Nebraskans for Another Look, Inc.
QUESTION: Are there reporting requirements under the Act which apply to a corporation using funds to challenge a state law through court action?
Advisory Opinion 202
Subject: Conflicts of Interest/Financial Gain/Compensation Provided by Law
Requested By: Larry J. Dix, Executive Director, Nebraska Association of County Officials (“NACO”)
Questions Presented:
1) May a county board member vote for him or herself for county board chair without violating the conflict of interest provisions within Neb. Rev. Stat. §49-1499.03?
Advisory Opinion 201
Subject: Lobbying
Requested by: Paul E. Sullivan, Council of State Governments Justice Center
Question Presented: Do the proposed activities of the Council of State Governments Justice Center subsequent to the enactment of LB 605 constitute lobbying and require registration of a lobbyist?
Conclusion: No
Advisory Opinion 200
Subject: Conflicts of Interest/Gifts
Requested By: Duane W. Acklie
Question Presented: Is the proposed Nebraska First Spouse’s Fund consistent with the provisions of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act (“NPADA”)?
Conclusion: Yes, with certain specified reservations
Advisory Opinion 199
SUBJECT: Conflicts of Interest/ Use of public personnel, resources, property or funds.
Requested by: Thomas O. Mumgaard, Deputy Omaha City Attorney, on behalf of the Omaha City Council
Question Presented: Can Omaha Firefighters engage in campaign to raise funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association during on-duty time paid for with taxpayer funds and/or using City-owned uniforms and equipment?
Conclusion: No.
Advisory Opinion 198
Subject: Conflicts of Interest/Supervising a Family Member
Requested By: Sue Larson, Human Resources Administrator, Nebraska Department of Roads
Questions Presented: How do the provisions of LB 322 apply to a situation in which a newly promoted employee in the executive branch of state government will supervise a family member?
Conclusion: See analysis.