Advisory Opinion 192

Subject:  Campaign Finance /Campaign Finance Limitation Act

Requested By:  State Senator Pam Redfield

Question Presented:  Is a term limited State Senator required to file affidavits pursuant to the Campaign Finance Limitation Act?

Conclusion:  No.

Advisory Opinion 191

Subject:  Campaign Finance / Use of Campaign Funds

Requested By:  L. Steven Grasz on behalf of Lorelee Byrd

Questions Presented:  May the campaign funds of a candidate committee be used to pay legal expenses?

Conclusion:  No, unless the legal expenses are campaign related.


Advisory Opinion 190

Subject:  Conflicts of Interest / Interest in a Contract

Requested By:  Dale Dvorak and Ray Branstiter, Nebraska Department of Roads.

Questions Presented:  May the Nebraska Department of Roads contract with one of its own employees to mow a section of the state right-of-way?

Conclusion:  Yes.

Advisory Opinion 188

Subject: Conflicts of Interest; Interest in a Contract


Requested by: Glenn D. Johnson, Joint Antelope Valley Authority and Barbara Morley, Lower Platte South Natural Resources District


Question Presented: Does a director of an NRD have an interest in a contract with her governing body if the potential contract is between the director and an Interlocal Agency of which the NRD is a member?


Conclusion: No.


Advisory Opinion 185

SUBJECT:  Campaign Financing / Use of Campaign Funds

REQUESTED BY:  Vicki Powell, Campaign Manager, Johanns for Governor Committee

QUESTIONS PRESENTED:  (1) When may a gubernatorial campaign pay the campaign expenses of a potential lieutenant governor candidate? (2) What expenses pertaining to the lieutenant governor’s campaign can be paid by the governor candidate committee?

CONCLUSIONS:  See analysis.

Advisory Opinion 184

SUBJECT: Campaign Financing/Use of Campaign Funds.


REQUESTED BY: Randall Ritnour, treasurer, Defense of Marriage Amendment (DOMA) Committee.


QUESTIONS PRESENTED: (1) May a ballot question committee use campaign funds for the purpose of litigation in support of the ballot question? (2) May a ballot question committee use campaign funds for the purpose of engaging in public debate in support of the ballot question?


CONCLUSIONS: As to Question 1: see analysis.  As to Question 2: see analysis.


Advisory Opinion 183

Subject: Conflicts of Interest/ Use of Office for Financial Gain


Requested By: Carolyn Johnsen, Reporter and Producer, Nebraska Public Radio


Question Presented: Can a reporter for a state owned radio network use information broadcast by the network to write a book as a private project?


Conclusion: Yes.