Advisory Opinion 042

REQUESTED BY: Herbert J. Duis, Commissioner, Nebraska Liquor Control Commission, P.O. Box 95046, State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509

QUESTION: 1) May a public official assign the use of his name for consideration to a person who will solicit business in such name from, among others, persons licensed by the Board or Commission of which such public official is a member, without being in violation of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act? 2) What are the required disclosures in connection with such a transaction?


Advisory Opinion 041

QUESTION: May unexpended campaign funds be used by a public official to hire a non-public employee to do such work as may be designated by said public official relative to the duties of his public office, but not required thereby.




Advisory Opinion 039

Requested by: Michael Albert and the Board of Directors, Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (MAPA).

Question presented:

May a corporation whose president is a member of the Douglas County Board of Commissioners enter into a contract with the Board of Directors of MAPA?


Advisory Opinion 037

REQUESTED BY: The Honorable John W. DeCamp, State Senator, Room 1116 State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509

QUESTION: 1. May candidate committee funds be invested in interest bearing and other securities and in tangible personal property such as valuable coins?

2. If so, what are the reporting requirements?


1. Yes

2. See analysis for reporting requirements.


There is no prohibition in the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act to the investment of committee funds.

Advisory Opinion 036

REQUESTED BY: William F. Austin, Lincoln City Attorney, County-City Building, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508

QUESTION: Does the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act prohibit a municipality from establishing financial disclosure requirements for its officials?




Advisory Opinion 033

REQUESTED BY: The Honorable Rex Haberman, State Senator, State Capitol Lincoln, Nebraska 68509

QUESTION: May the candidate committee of a State Senator which has unexpended funds receive additional funds and make expenditures for travel and other related expenses when the Senator visits the communities of his district during a period in which there is no election?




The question presented in Request for Advisory Opinion No. 79-7 is as follows: