Advisory Opinion 023

REQUESTED BY: Terence B. Campbell

QUESTION: May an employee of the Penal Complex, who is an agent for a catalogue merchandiser, have goods from that catalogue approved by another employee of the Penal complex for purchase by inmates from their own funds?




Advisory Opinion 022

REQUESTED BY: Roy Hahn, Attorney At Law

QUESTION: Does the Statement of Financial Interests required for the preceding calendar year pursuant to the provisions of section 49-1493, R.S.Supp., 1976, apply to the whole of the calendar year 1977 or just from the effective date of the Act, to wit: July 1,1977, to December 31, 1977?


The requirement of filing a Statement of Financial Interests for the preceding calendar year applies to the whole of the calendar year 1977 even though the Act did not become effective until July 1, 1977.


Advisory Opinion 021

REQUESTED BY: David A. Ludtke, Legal Counsel, Whelan for Governor

QUESTION: Must an incumbent, eligible for reelection, form a candidate committee and file a Statement of Organization upon raising, receiving or spending more than $400 prior to his filing for nomination and election to a different office when the funds raised and received were specifically for his campaign for nomination and election to the different office?


Advisory Opinion 020

REQUESTED BY: The Honorable Larry D. Stoney, Senator, 4th District


1. May funds received in a current campaign be used to make payments on a loan, the proceeds of which were for a campaign prior to July 1, 1977?

2. May unexpended funds, if any, after a current campaign be used to reimburse the candidate for prior payments made on that loan or to make payments on that loan?


1. See Analysis.

2. See Analysis.


Advisory Opinion 019

REQUESTED BY: The Honorable Loran Schmit, State Senator, 23rd District

QUESTION: May a senator receive expenses for room and board paid for by his host while attending a Conference on Alcohol and Sugar in Campos, Brazil, without the same constituting a conflict of interest?


Yes, but see analysis.


Advisory Opinion 017

REQUESTED BY: William W. Lyons, Attorney for McCook Public Power District.


1. Do directors of a public power or rural power district who file for reelection have to file Statements of Financial Interests at the time they file for reelection if they have already filed the same for the prior calendar year on or before April 1 of the year of election?

Advisory Opinion 016

REQUESTED BY: Willard Weinhold, Dawson County Attorney


1. Whether the employment of a county employee for additional services is a "contract" as contemplated by section 49-14,102, R.S.Supp., 1976 requiring the same to be awarded through an open and public process which includes prior public notice and subsequent availability for public inspection during the regular office hours of the contracting governmental body of the proposals considered and the contract awarded?

Advisory Opinion 015

REQUESTED BY: Betty J. Steinbrecher

QUESTION 1. Must a ballot question committee be formed and a Statement of Organization (NADC Form A-1) and Campaign Statements (NADC Forms B-1) filed when expenditures advocating the qualification, passage, or defeat of a ballot question have been made by only one person from his own funds, even though others are involved in soliciting petition signatures?

2. When is the starting date for computing the 35 day period for filing a campaign statement by a ballot question committee pursuant to section 49-1461(2)?


Advisory Opinion 014

REQUESTED BY: William B. Brandt, General Counsel. Nebraska Bankers Association

QUESTION: May a lobbyist or his principal provide complimentary tickets, each valued at over $10 to State Senators and their spouses for a banquet and entertainment in connection with a convention program of the principal's association?

